'Lo. Been a while. And I'm not in a good fucking mood.
I saw a video that just happened to come up in my home feed on YouTube that I didn't know belonged to a conservative woman and of course I end up going to a video that talked about the oversexualization of children. Because, at first, I didn't even know she was a conservative. So I thought this would be a good, sensible conversation.
And, what would you know. I actually agreed with a good...oh, three, five minutes of the video...
Until she started talking about drag queens.
Like a fucking moron.
How. The fucking fuck. Does the oversexualization of children...and drag queens...have anything in common?!
Oh, right. These self-righteous conservative fuckwads would do just about anything—if not anything—to put anything remotely resembling the LGBTQ+ community with the association of pedophilia. I forgot. How silly of me.
So, let's break this down, shall we, and go into why this is fucking stupid.

What is drag?
Guess fucking what? I'm not even going to do any research on what drag is. I'm going to explain it in my own words and then do research on it. Now, I'm not saying that I'm going to get the definition 100% correct, but goddammit, I'll be damn close.
Drag is when one dresses lavishly and/or convincingly in the style of the, for lack of a better term, binary genders, a.k.a. femme and masculine. Essentially cross-dressing, usually if not always ramped up to a hundred, from my understanding.
So, now, let's look up a definition of drag:
"The term "drag" refers to the performance of masculinity, femininity or other forms of gender expression. A drag queen is someone (usually male) who performs femininity and a drag king is someone (usually female) who performs masculinity."
Yes, I am using the "dreaded" Wikipedia. But it has sources. Look at them yourself if you care so fuckin' much.
So, I guess the one thing I need to mention is that it's a performance, unlike cross-dressing.
What part of this has any fucking thing to do with SEX, you sad excuse for a human and bigoted prude? You just want to use every excuse you can find to demonize a minority—hell, people you don't "understand", I fucking swear...
There's nothing, absolutely nothing, wrong with introducing children to drag queens and kings—specifically drag queens since you can never give men and anyone traditionally masculine or male doing anything femme a fucking break.
Again, drag has nothing to with sexuality. It's identity, if anything. A perfectly straight man can be a drag queen and a perfectly straight woman can be a drag king. Drag exposes children to understanding and lessens the social constraints of binary gender and gender identity.
That's all that's bothering y'all, in the end. Just fucking admit it.
But don't, just fucking don't, bring sex into this conversation. I'm tired of it.
Y'all are just scrambling to use any fucking excuse. It's sad and disgusting.
Fucking quit it.
Stop thinking about children and sex, for the love of all things sacred.
Fuckin' weirdoes.
Get help.
Like, now.

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