...in that if you aren't going to actively partake in that child's life after they are born, in any way, shape or form...shut the fuck up about "pro-life" and "killing babies".
Much like how if you aren't going to actively help the person live/have a better life/see things worth living for...shut the fuck up about "suicide prevention".
So piss off with your reposts of Suicide Hotlines and holy-religious scripture. If you know someone who is depressed, suffering in any way or simply suicidal and want to off themselves? Instead of calling them weak, trying to tell them "things will get better", telling them they have it "better" than others, or making them feel worse in any way because of their desire to bother no one just KILL their one miserable life—if you care enough, you'll do something about it.
As in doing things with them, helping them in whatever need they may have to make their lives just a bit more bearable. Because all those things I mentioned before? Simply ignoring them? Hoping it'll go away? HA! They'll be dead before you know it!
Suicide prevention is a joke, otherwise.
Much like how pro-lifers and those who wave the "killing baby" banners probably wouldn't adopt the many children who are born from unwanted pregnancies.
Fucking asinine.
From personal experience, I can tell you—you would literally be saving my life if that was all you did. For me. From the heart.
Seems like decent human interaction on such sensitive topics is such a tall order to ask for.
Seems like decent human interaction on such sensitive topics is such a tall order to ask for.