I touched on this a bit on my main blog...but I need to get it out in another way. I won't give you the sad sob story of my history when it comes to racism, but know this much.
Know this fucking much.
I cannot...and will not look at white people the same way again.
Yeah. You.
Because this problem is embedded too fucking deep to not look at white folks the same way as I did a few—just a fucking few—months ago.
Both the pandemic and the rekindled Black Lives Matter movement—which never went away at all, mind you—has brought too damn much to my attention. The ignorant racism. The embedded racism. The damn fucking stupidity and blindness that white people have.
It's fucking outstanding.
Since the entire world has turned upside-down in more ways than one, I cannot...fucking...believe the amount of white people who have come out of their safe little hovels and posted "pleading" questions of "how to write people of color or black people".
I have proof, too, dammit, but I already had my say on all of that shit on the posts themselves online. Let's just say, it ended with someone saying "I am sorry I added to your pain". Ohhh, fuck youuuuuu, asswipe.
There aren't enough words to describe how I am feeling, right now. So much so, I cannot put it into coherent or even semi-coherent speech.
Maybe once I've been able to properly digest these images in my head, these videos I've seen in my head, I'll return to the topic in a part two or some-fucking-thing.
As for the rest of you? So much as bring up you donating to the BLM movement, to end police brutality, etc. etc. etc., I'll be on your fucking ass. I will be asking you questions, I will be interrogating you.
Or...maybe I'll bring it up on my own. I need to know where my white "allies" stand.
That's it.
That is fucking it.