So there is this thing being passed around within my Facebook circles, one in particular. It's about Cis Pride. Until then, I don't ever recall ever hearing about it. And I have to say, it pisses me off.
No, not at all the fact that cisgender and cissexual even exist or anything. Not at all; in fact, I like a proper term for straight people and whatnot. Not the fact that yes, it's fine to be proud you're straight, I guess. But the simple bloody fact that this is how a lot of people are discovering the damned word and HOW it is being used!!
How fucking DARE you insult the LGBTQ+ members of society! How fucking DARE you make it seem like your problems are anywhere near (theirs) to the point that you think you need to have your fucking Cis Pride rants and raves and act as if cissexuality is "AT RISK" like there aren't billions of people in the world who are all satisfied with how they were born (a.k.a. male, female and heterosexual).
If you really believe the population is at risk (because this seems to be a commonly used excuse for anything related to LGBTQ+), you'd fucking allow polygamy and even polyandry. So shut the hell up unless you want to start having marches and parades for those.
I can't find them for the life of me, but I've seen pictures for "Cis Pride" and being "proud to be straight" as if someone is oppressing cis people.
The day you pick up any random book in the library and see more homosexual couples and pairings than heterosexual, get back to me and have a real discussion. The day you see news articles months to weeks to DAYS in-between about children committing suicide because they're cis, you get back to me about your fucking cis pride.
You're not at risk. You're not being oppressed for being cis. You don't even fucking know what it means to be oppressed for being who you are. You just say that when someone tells you to fuck off for being cis and that you likely said something or did something wrong. Not saying cis people deserve this and logic dictates the people who do this to you are wrong as well. Because no one is quite "right" or "wrong".
But YOU—and you know who you are—need to shut your mouth and actually think about what you're doing when you see these Cis Pride pictures before clicking "Like". It's not simply "LOL I'm straight and I like this idea, LOL, let's LIKE it!" it's saying "I'm being oppressed for being straight and male/female!" Because that is why pride parades and Pride Day were created. That's why these pictures of other genders and other sexual preferences were made. They actually have damn good reason to pick up a flag and wave it, putting their lives at risk for supporting the LGBTQ+ community or announcing that they're any of these other genders and have these other sexual preferences.
This fucking disgusts me. It's for reasons like this that people get pissed of at certain cis people. Because they're just slapping the faces of people who died, were murdered, committed suicide, and were attacked throughout history and TODAY for being true to themselves.
"Cis pride", my ass.