Two entries into the fucking year and here I decide to finally make an official entry about this fucking year.
Oh, dear.
Where oh where to start.
I've already mentioned the terrorist attack on the Capitol in January. Call it whatever you want. Intelligent minds know the proper words to give that clusterfuck of an embarrassing, terrifying incident.
No, this is more of a sort of...update, since I've been gone for so long.

COVID is coming back. If fucking idiots continue to be so, we will be back under mandatory guidelines/orders/call-them-whatever-the-fuck only this time, it probably won't be a "guideline". It'll probably be an order and laws, as it was in some places if I remember correctly.
Because I have realized it's come to a point that you can't use the expression "use your head" anymore. Because even when some people are actively using their sad excuses for brains, they're still off. I've seen enough videos and heard enough shit to know.
And it's fucking scary.
Society? What fucking society?
At this point, we live in fucking guilds, individualities, and cults. Did I mention cults? Cults are everywhere. Only this time, "everyone" knows about them.
Society is crumbling. I don't want to be alive in five fucking years.
I learned of sovereign citizens. Fucking sovcits. Put them in with the incels and karens. Fuck all three. They're dangerous, toxic, and the worst of mortal beings.
But I have to give sovcits this.
They gave me a 50/50 respect and fear of police. The shit police deal with when it comes to them is just...outstandingly infuriating.
I'll have to do entries on karens, incels, and sovcits...eventually.

Not much to talk about today. I only wanted to let it be known I'm back, truthfully.
Maybe I'll be able to get some eyes on this blog, this time. I doubt it, but I can try.