Wow. Y'all are just trying to make 2021 a shitty year, ain'tcha? Not even a full week into the fucking New Year and there's a goddamned insurrection...A full-on white supremacist takeover of the fucking...
I can't even find words to describe what took place yesterday in Washington DC. I have family down there, dammit.
I haven't had much to say in the form of non-personal rants, lately. I'm too exhausted to say much of anything more than that, and I feel other people get the points across with more flavor and sass than I ever could.
But here's the little bit I will say.
What. The actual. Fuck. Is WRONG with you people?! I'm not about to use the pleasantries that are "deserved"; I think any intelligent white person, which seems hard to come by nowadays, wouldn't be indignant but agreeing with us by now.
You just don't understand it, do you? How this would have gone down if it were a brown-skinned group or a black group who dared so much as think about this?
Look at the many comparisons to what the Capitol looked like—fuck, what DC looked like—after what happened after George Floyd's death in comparison to what the Capitol looked like yesterday when there was a FUCKING TAKEOVER OF THE CAPITOL BY WHITE SUPREMACISTS.
I can't even.
The two can't even fucking compare to one another, but one of these, appearance-wise, is not like the other. Something is missing.
People are crying, scared, over this because of how we are aware of this and how terrorizing it is as a whole.
Do you understand the gravity behind what happened yesterday? It's fucking history that was made. And not the good type, goddammit, because apparently, 2020 wasn't good enough to go down in history.
Nooo, we have to drag 2021 into this, too.
I'm not so fucking naive that I'm believing 2021 was some "maaagical" number that was supposed to reset everything once it became Jan. 1st.
But wouldn't that have been nice, hm?
Other countries must have long stopped shaking their heads, pointing and laughing at us and are just downright horrified at this point. Horrified, confused. Believe me, I know.
But fuck that. Trump let all of this—ALL OF THIS—happen. And now that it's come to the near worst of the worst they NOW want to impeach him, the motherfuckers.
I am ashamed of this country.
I am ashamed.
I am scared.
I am sad.
I'm hurt.
I just don't know what the fuck is wrong with American society, politics, or white people anymore. Like I said before, I just can't look at you all the same way anymore. I'm not sad to say this, because I should have stopped looking at you all with rose-tinted glasses a long fucking time ago.
But I'm not sorry.
I'm still not able to mentally do much as far as entries worthy of BBTxx, but...I'd love to have more entries here going forward.
Here's to 2021.
Or some laughable shit like that...

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