Let's talk food, for a moment, shall we...?
Ah, the ol' vegan debate. My. It's gotten worse and worse, nowadays. And it makes absolutely zero bloody sense.
Ol' Maggot here is a pescatarian. Yes, that means I eat fish, not meat. But, guess what? I'm almost positive I'd be eating meat at least every now and then, if it wasn't for the fact that I seemingly can't digest it very well. Yep, that is why I stopped eating meat. Now, this was a while ago, several years, so I have no idea what my body might be able to deal with, now. But I don't care to find out, either.
Also, yes. I am well aware that by technicality, "meat" includes fish meat, but culinary-wise, they are two different things, seafood and meat. Juuust putting that out there.
I love vegan food. I am certain I could oh, so easily make the switch to going vegan because of this. Why haven't I, then you ask?
Wonderful question, and it has a simple answer.
I love fish too much.
LE GASPETH! I choose taste over the life of another creature?!
Damn fricking STRAIGHT, I do.
Y'see, I find meat consumption of any kind to be just as natural for humans as it is for humans to eat plant-based foods. I believe animals kept for slaughter should be treated with utmost respect, because, after all, they will be going into our stomachs, our systems. We should take care of them if we want to take care of ourselves.
Now, I've found that this doesn't make any sense to—can I say most vegans? Which confuses me. I don't know if you noticed, but humans have canines and molars. We can eat flesh, biologically. So long as we aren't 1) going overkill on the animals on both land and sea (a.k.a. overfishing, causing animals to go extinct, etc.), 2) treating the animals harshly, in any way, shape or form, or 3) injecting them with hormones and shit that goes along with #2 as well as, in the end, harms us...I don't see a damn thing wrong with eating seafood or meat.
While on this note, I also think it's okay for humans to hunt animals—so long as it's for the sole purpose of eating the animal afterwards. No hunting for the literal "game" of it all, you bastards. Trophy kills and all that shit.
Why raging vegans are so keen on making people who aren't vegan feel so horrible about something so natural escapes me. Most of you are making yourselves look like self-important assholes to the rest of the world, and that's...really...a shame. Because being a vegan is awesome. I salute you, good human.
But can everyone in the fucking world please come to an agreement on what the real problem is, here? The problem with the food industry when it comes to animals is how they are kept, fed, used, and how all that shit just does a 360-degree turn when it enters our bodies and fucks us up. Not the fact that animals are being eaten.
Animals eat animals. We are just another sort of animal. Don't you dare go into the whole "but we have a conscious/sentience" nonsense for this. We are omnivores; we can eat meat and plants—by nature! We are animals. If you have a problem with that, please, consult your local psychiatrist.
I hear they also have an app for that.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Pull the TRIGGER
Dear Existence,
Humans are idiots. They like to bandwagon words and phrases because "everyone else is using them". Please erase them.
Humans are idiots. They like to bandwagon words and phrases because "everyone else is using them". Please erase them.
Sincerely, Mar
Aaah, triggering. This...lovely term has come into excessive use, from my experience, for the past...oh...year or two. Again, from my experience, because I really don't fucking care how long it has been used in this modern, 21st-century, asinine way.
Like so many sacred things and things that were once used for particular, important and serious reasons, the mainstream of society has bastardized and terribly abused the word "trigger". Trigger, as in something that brings up memories and sensations of a traumatizing event. This word used to mean something. Something that was very serious and not to be taken jokingly.
I don't know nor do I particularly care how, but regardless, idiots of our mainstream society got their usurping hands on it and now use it to make light of anything that "seemingly", by their narrowed, crossed eyes, causes someone to throw some sort of fit.
"That person is carrying on in anger because someone on the internet posed something about Donald Trump! THEY'VE BEEN TRIGGEEEERRRED!"
You know who you are.
No, there were legitimate words and reason for that before it all became a joke. Before that word was thrown around to—in such limited form—"describe" someone speaking their mind, expressing themselves and their opinions. Now the word "trigger", which was once specifically used for people who experienced traumas, is used in a disparaging, off-handed way.
Now it's all a joke to you bobbleheads. You don't take people who you deem "triggered" seriously. You brush them off, jeer and mock them, tell them to "calm down". And we're not even talking about people who may have, in fact, been expressing their discomfort over something reminding them of a trauma.
But, of course, none of those people matter when you've jumped the bandwagon—the bandwagon of shameful stupidity, ignorance and cruelty. All that matters is spewing what you heard so-and-so say.
"Because everyone's doing it."
Brain cells; the next few generations are going to be devoid of them entirely, if these are the generations that are going to be raising them.
Like I said in my last post.
I've got a trigger for you right here.
Twirl on it.
The next time you decide some new verbal fad is cool to use, you take that trigger.
Point its figurative barrel to your head.
And please, do us all a favor and pull it.
Congratulations. You've just joined the brain cell suicide squad.
I don't know nor do I particularly care how, but regardless, idiots of our mainstream society got their usurping hands on it and now use it to make light of anything that "seemingly", by their narrowed, crossed eyes, causes someone to throw some sort of fit.
"That person is carrying on in anger because someone on the internet posed something about Donald Trump! THEY'VE BEEN TRIGGEEEERRRED!"
You know who you are.
No, there were legitimate words and reason for that before it all became a joke. Before that word was thrown around to—in such limited form—"describe" someone speaking their mind, expressing themselves and their opinions. Now the word "trigger", which was once specifically used for people who experienced traumas, is used in a disparaging, off-handed way.
Now it's all a joke to you bobbleheads. You don't take people who you deem "triggered" seriously. You brush them off, jeer and mock them, tell them to "calm down". And we're not even talking about people who may have, in fact, been expressing their discomfort over something reminding them of a trauma.
But, of course, none of those people matter when you've jumped the bandwagon—the bandwagon of shameful stupidity, ignorance and cruelty. All that matters is spewing what you heard so-and-so say.
"Because everyone's doing it."
Brain cells; the next few generations are going to be devoid of them entirely, if these are the generations that are going to be raising them.
Like I said in my last post.
I've got a trigger for you right here.
Twirl on it.
The next time you decide some new verbal fad is cool to use, you take that trigger.
Point its figurative barrel to your head.
And please, do us all a favor and pull it.
Congratulations. You've just joined the brain cell suicide squad.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
...and Humans are Idiots- Ningen, please
I know at least one of you do this.
You know who you are.
But I can't stand this—in fact, I truly despise and loathe this.
So, then. Got your adult panties on? Don't let me worm into them...'kay?~♥
Ah, derogatory terms. Aren't they just...awful? Demeaning and insulting, some created for the sole purpose of making one feel...less than human. Some are distasteful "nicknames" created to verbally spit on someone or a race or group of people. Either way...it's unpleasant, to be called a derogatory term.
But then this thing called "reclaiming" derogatory terms exists, as well.
Huh. Well, let's use some examples, here.
Nerd was used to describe, as Wikipedia puts it, a person seen as overly intellectual, obsessive, or lacking social skills. Such a person may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, little known, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical, abstract, or relating to topics of fiction or fantasy, to the exclusion of more mainstream activities. Additionally, many so-called nerds are described as being shy, quirky, pedantic, and unattractive, and may have difficulty participating in, or even following, sports.
But, of course, as we are all painfully aware of, nowadays, the term "nerd" has been reclaimed and is used out of pride and is considered a group identity. Nerds are also awesome people. At least, from my own experiences. Never mind the fact that I am a nerd, myself, as is my older brother.
Queer, while originally a word (and is still a word) that means strange, peculiar, etc., it became used as a "derogatory term for effeminate men, men who were believed to engage in receptive or passive sex with other men, as well as those who exhibited non-normative gender expressions."
But, of course, this term has become widely embraced and celebrated with pride, and I, personally, agree that the term has a bittersweet truth to it from its original meaning. We are strange and unusual to mainstream, societal norms. We might never be able to escape this truth.
I wholeheartedly agree these words have their rightful places in the world. I like these words, as I identify both as a nerd and as queer. But I only support these words a) because nerd never carried the weight of some other pejorative words (and what the hell else are we supposed to be called?) and b) because of what "queer" originally meant, largely.
There are some words with histories so atrocious, so deeply rooted with hatred, ignorance, suffering, pain, destruction, and vile atrocities, I believe they should never be used outside of educational, informational means.
I'm going to focus on the one that has deep roots in my own existence.
You better fucking believe I'm talking about the 'n' word.
There is honestly no other way to get around it—
Nigger. Nigga. Niggah. However the fuck you want to spell it, it doesn't change what it is. What it means. How it is still used, even by the very same people who claim to use it in "positive" ways!
Human, please. Go the fuck back to school, read some stories, talk to some people, and then come the fuck back to me and dare you to keep using that thrice-accursed word.
Rationally speaking, I can only imagine people who use these words are people who never truly, and I mean truly researched the history, impact and meaning of the word and never spoke to friends, family members, who had to experience said impact of such a word.
Otherwise, you are honestly just sheep. Sheep following the herd of other ignorant, senseless, blithely asinine peers who are sheep in turn. Following the other collective assholes and ne'er-do-wells who put this word back into its accursed wide-usage we've become so-called "desensitized" to, today.
...Because, have you noticed that no other race of people use a derogatory term, such as Jap and spick, that was once used for them the way black people use the "nigger", in all of its variations, today? And here's the catch. These terms are still derogatory. Highly so, without a doubt. And no one dares use them unless they are indeed being derogatory. Whereas, on the same wavelength, words that were truly reclaimed, such as nerd and queer, are used by everyone, and freely so!
Whereas, I'll bet you're quite familiar with these:
"White people don't get to use the N word."
"White people can't use the N word."
"That word is ours, not yours."
And such nonsense such as this.
For the bobbleheads out there who say, "Wait, there's a difference between nigger and niggaaaaaaaa", I a-fucking-sure you, I've heard no difference between the way the two words are used. Again, by the same fucking people who initially claimed to use it in a "reclaimed, positive" way.
Firstly, there's no "positive" way you idjits use this word, and you know it. Because if you really believed that, you wouldn't call your best friend a nigga and then turn around and call someone you fucking despise a nigga, in the same shit-speaking breath. What sort of sense does it make to use a supposedly reclaimed word with this obvious inflection of hate, distaste or mocking?
Secondly, if this word was truly reclaimed, anyone could indeed, freely use it. Like nerd and queer. Mind-blowing? Shouldn't be! These words aren't, for all intents and purposes, career-crushing, respect-destroying words, unlike "nigger".
So here's what I say to all ye
Talk shit? Spit blood.
Because maybe that's what it's going to take to get you to understand the meaning of this word "nigger".
Me look it up for you?
YOU fucking look it up, and look it up long and hard. Swallow it. Regurgitate it. Swallow hard. Digest it. Turn it to crud. And then you fucking eat that literal shit and smear it into your brain, if you must.
Stop only parroting what you hear and actually use your rotting grey matter, damn it all! How, I mean just how stupid can you be?! I can't begin to explain how many times people have actually told me the only use the word because their friends do, because "everyone" does, or other nonsense!!
So I'm going to ask you all a serious, wretched question.
Do you want to be a nigger?
DO you REALLY want to call this to a family member, a loved one? A close, good friend?
Because, I assure you, I am more than willing to remind you what it means to be less than human if you are so fucking willing to continue using this utterly distasteful, inexcusable word.
If I have to repeat myself to any of you who read this, know I will not be so kind as I am now. In fact, I'll just act like you don't exist.
And for you pissants who dare say I've been "triggered"?
I've got a trigger for you right here.
Twirl on it.
A post about "triggering" and how asinine that is will soon come your way.
You know who you are.
But I can't stand this—in fact, I truly despise and loathe this.
So, then. Got your adult panties on? Don't let me worm into them...'kay?~♥
Ah, derogatory terms. Aren't they just...awful? Demeaning and insulting, some created for the sole purpose of making one feel...less than human. Some are distasteful "nicknames" created to verbally spit on someone or a race or group of people. Either way...it's unpleasant, to be called a derogatory term.
But then this thing called "reclaiming" derogatory terms exists, as well.
Huh. Well, let's use some examples, here.
Nerd was used to describe, as Wikipedia puts it, a person seen as overly intellectual, obsessive, or lacking social skills. Such a person may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, little known, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical, abstract, or relating to topics of fiction or fantasy, to the exclusion of more mainstream activities. Additionally, many so-called nerds are described as being shy, quirky, pedantic, and unattractive, and may have difficulty participating in, or even following, sports.
But, of course, as we are all painfully aware of, nowadays, the term "nerd" has been reclaimed and is used out of pride and is considered a group identity. Nerds are also awesome people. At least, from my own experiences. Never mind the fact that I am a nerd, myself, as is my older brother.
Queer, while originally a word (and is still a word) that means strange, peculiar, etc., it became used as a "derogatory term for effeminate men, men who were believed to engage in receptive or passive sex with other men, as well as those who exhibited non-normative gender expressions."
But, of course, this term has become widely embraced and celebrated with pride, and I, personally, agree that the term has a bittersweet truth to it from its original meaning. We are strange and unusual to mainstream, societal norms. We might never be able to escape this truth.
I wholeheartedly agree these words have their rightful places in the world. I like these words, as I identify both as a nerd and as queer. But I only support these words a) because nerd never carried the weight of some other pejorative words (and what the hell else are we supposed to be called?) and b) because of what "queer" originally meant, largely.
There are some words with histories so atrocious, so deeply rooted with hatred, ignorance, suffering, pain, destruction, and vile atrocities, I believe they should never be used outside of educational, informational means.
I'm going to focus on the one that has deep roots in my own existence.
You better fucking believe I'm talking about the 'n' word.
There is honestly no other way to get around it—
Nigger. Nigga. Niggah. However the fuck you want to spell it, it doesn't change what it is. What it means. How it is still used, even by the very same people who claim to use it in "positive" ways!
Human, please. Go the fuck back to school, read some stories, talk to some people, and then come the fuck back to me and dare you to keep using that thrice-accursed word.
Rationally speaking, I can only imagine people who use these words are people who never truly, and I mean truly researched the history, impact and meaning of the word and never spoke to friends, family members, who had to experience said impact of such a word.
Otherwise, you are honestly just sheep. Sheep following the herd of other ignorant, senseless, blithely asinine peers who are sheep in turn. Following the other collective assholes and ne'er-do-wells who put this word back into its accursed wide-usage we've become so-called "desensitized" to, today.
...Because, have you noticed that no other race of people use a derogatory term, such as Jap and spick, that was once used for them the way black people use the "nigger", in all of its variations, today? And here's the catch. These terms are still derogatory. Highly so, without a doubt. And no one dares use them unless they are indeed being derogatory. Whereas, on the same wavelength, words that were truly reclaimed, such as nerd and queer, are used by everyone, and freely so!
Whereas, I'll bet you're quite familiar with these:
"White people don't get to use the N word."
"White people can't use the N word."
"That word is ours, not yours."
And such nonsense such as this.
For the bobbleheads out there who say, "Wait, there's a difference between nigger and niggaaaaaaaa", I a-fucking-sure you, I've heard no difference between the way the two words are used. Again, by the same fucking people who initially claimed to use it in a "reclaimed, positive" way.
Firstly, there's no "positive" way you idjits use this word, and you know it. Because if you really believed that, you wouldn't call your best friend a nigga and then turn around and call someone you fucking despise a nigga, in the same shit-speaking breath. What sort of sense does it make to use a supposedly reclaimed word with this obvious inflection of hate, distaste or mocking?
Secondly, if this word was truly reclaimed, anyone could indeed, freely use it. Like nerd and queer. Mind-blowing? Shouldn't be! These words aren't, for all intents and purposes, career-crushing, respect-destroying words, unlike "nigger".
So here's what I say to all ye
Talk shit? Spit blood.
Because maybe that's what it's going to take to get you to understand the meaning of this word "nigger".
Me look it up for you?
YOU fucking look it up, and look it up long and hard. Swallow it. Regurgitate it. Swallow hard. Digest it. Turn it to crud. And then you fucking eat that literal shit and smear it into your brain, if you must.
Stop only parroting what you hear and actually use your rotting grey matter, damn it all! How, I mean just how stupid can you be?! I can't begin to explain how many times people have actually told me the only use the word because their friends do, because "everyone" does, or other nonsense!!
So I'm going to ask you all a serious, wretched question.
Do you want to be a nigger?
DO you REALLY want to call this to a family member, a loved one? A close, good friend?
Because, I assure you, I am more than willing to remind you what it means to be less than human if you are so fucking willing to continue using this utterly distasteful, inexcusable word.
If I have to repeat myself to any of you who read this, know I will not be so kind as I am now. In fact, I'll just act like you don't exist.
And for you pissants who dare say I've been "triggered"?
I've got a trigger for you right here.
Twirl on it.
A post about "triggering" and how asinine that is will soon come your way.
Friday, June 9, 2017
God is an Asshole
Dear God who is a construct,
Why are you an asshole?
Humans revere your name,
Your "kingdom come",
Your will, rarely questioned—
Supposedly on Earth, but is there even a Heaven?
I give today a piece of my mind,
And have no sins I want forgiven
Unlike the "sins" committed by you
That destroy us in our times of trial,
And which created humankind's evil
For humans know not if your existence is true,
Now and forever, until death betrays us
Fuck you, too.
This just in! This bastardization of the Lord's Prayer is brought to you by blasphemy, 100% original from my blasphemous mind. Act now and comment below, or keep reading for even MORE blasphemy!
...Where, oh, where to begin...?
Hmm hmm hmm...
If god...a god...gods...goddesses...whatever—in this particular vent, since I opened with an Abrahamic, monotheistic prayer, I may as well focus on a God. If God exists..."he" is an asshole. I have been saying this for years. Now hear me out, my reasons may not seem so far-fetched.
Firstly, humans are assholes, as well, for they know not for sure if god or the afterlives even truly, really exist. There is no concrete proof. In the olden days, thousands of years ago, it seemed easier to believe in something. So many miracles occurred, according to the Abrahamic religions. How could anyone not believe what they believe in, at the time? The proof was right there! Or so the stories go.
Following this, why is it that people so firmly believe something to the point that they would willingly kill themselves and/or other people in the name of something they only believe to be true, but cannot prove is true? This sounds more like something that they would keep private, to themselves, and revere in the privacy of their home, or what have you.
I believe God should have kept going with those damned miracles. Maybe we'd live in a much different world than the one we're stuck in, now, and maybe so many people wouldn't die in the name of religion. And I mean real miracles, like the ones told in stories. Seas splitting by the touch of a cane-level miracles, damn it.
Secondly, without these miracles, people somehow kept on making up or finding ways to remake/transform/reinvent/invent religions. To many, because of this and other reasons, religion has become something of a joke, and I completely understand where they are coming from; oftentimes, I think the same thing. When does it stop? When will it end? Why does it need to be? You come into the world learning about all of these things...and you have to choose? Why the fuck?
Following these...inventions...well, of course, this wonderfully fucked-up thing called proselytizing came into existence, and that is when people started dying.
...Oh, I'm sorry, that was happening, anyway, wasn't it? This proselytizing bullshit.
The main bane of human existence: proselytizing.
Long idea shortened: if people stopped trying to convert every. fucking. body to "their" religion, the "true" religion (because doesn't everyone think that about the religion they follow), the world would be a much better place! Wars! Homicide! No! Hello??
Of course, these religions are at fault, as well—regardless of who or what the hell-ever created them. How many conflicts, no matter how big or small, and deaths were caused just because some holy-scripture thumper came about and screamed at how x person and y people were wrong, evil? Needed to die? Should die? Be killed? Warranted? Deserved? EVIL? If the books, perhaps, were worded differently—or even better, if whatever deity ordained these books to their messengers made the bleeding books easier to understand throughout all ages, without room for misunderstanding, without various, confusing interpretations—imagine how many witch-hunts would have been avoided. Figuratively and literally, damn it.
—Or something, damn it all. So many people point to the scriptures and say they are what messes everyone up.
Speaking of books, let's talk about the messages in these scriptures and what the hell it does and can do to people.
Simply put: it fucks them right the hell up, in the head.
From personal experience, I can tell you reading a certain Abrahamic religion's various scriptures and reading about the religious stories messed me up in all sorts of ways that I am still recovering from, today. It's left me bitter, angry, depressed, and entirely fucked up. I don't know what to believe, anymore.
Let's talk about two relevant topics, for example.
...So you mean to tell me someone is going to go to hell just because they love someone? God, damnit, you of all people should know humans need to stop procreating so bleeding much, if it's a question of "because you're not having sex for offspring". No one's hurting anyone! No one's dying because a man kissed a man! No one's losing their hair because a woman kissed a woman! What is happening is that these religious scriptures against such relationships have these same people being murdered and killed and committing suicide because their lives were/are living hells because they loved a person. Or are not "living hells" because. You know. They're fucking dead, now.
...So you mean to tell me someone is going to go to hell because they dress and/or act like the stereotype of the opposite sex? Consider themselves the opposite of what they were born as? Who the hell came up with that brilliant rule? Again, no one is being hurt! No one is dying! Except, of course, because they were killed by some asshole with religious scripture and/or structured social norms infesting their grey matter.
Ah, these good ol' Abrahamic religions, I tell you...
What does it do, to commit these atrocities against innocent people? What sick, fucked-up creator would allow for such a thing? Mindless, senseless...truly unwarranted violence? There is no livable way I could follow any religion that so much as says a bad word about anything like this. And don't get me started about race inequality and gender.
Humans only have their ideals. Nothing more. Ideals. That these people are going here, will have this punishment, will taste Hell—whatever the fuck Hell is—and these people are going there, to Heaven—whatever shite that is.
Humans only continue to proselytize, causing more conflict, more struggles, more needless "trials", when all humankind has to do is leave everyone else the fuck alone if they want nothing to do with their beliefs and lifestyles.
Humans only continue to stubbornly hold on to their beliefs as true for all, when there is no concrete evidence of such thing for any religion.
...Except maybe several Pagan religions. They've been onto something concrete since forever...
...Maybe the world should be Pagan...
So. Why is God an asshole?
Because he lets this nonsense happen. Looks down at us, no doubt, laughing at how stupid and...oh, I don't know...human we are. So pathetically human. Selfish and sheep-like.
Because he allows people to believe they are bad, evil, wrong...for simply existing. That, I cannot forgive. That, I cannot believe. That, I cannot follow. I will not stoop so low into believing I am doomed for eternal punishment just because of the way I am, the way I was born as. No one should have to so much as consider that wretched ideal.
Because, in the end...he allows good people to suffer, not just from external turmoil, but internal turmoil. They are their enemy. They are their Devil.
...And speaking of that ol' bas...
I don't believe in the Devil. Please.
I am the Devil, as far as I'm concerned.
"The Devil" is just another construct, some form of blame people put for their actions, when it's them.
They are their Devil, as I am for myself.
But guess what?
I am me.
I am human, defective.
I've had many chances to commit suicide—heh, God knows how many times I've stood waiting for the oncoming train and considered jumping in front of it. God knows how many times I've stood with a blade at my wrist—vertically, not horizontally. And God knows I could have overdosed on my medication on a damned daily basis.
And you know what the sad part is?
I have only not taken my life because I'm afraid. Afraid that...perhaps...maybe...what if...there is a Hell? What if people who take their lives go there, after all? Though for over a decade, now, I've resigned my fate to end in Hell, I sure don't want to give myself a one-way ticket, either. All because of "if".
And so.
This is why God, if he exists...is a penultimate asshole.
Friday, February 10, 2017
Suicide is like Abortion...
...in that if you aren't going to actively partake in that child's life after they are born, in any way, shape or form...shut the fuck up about "pro-life" and "killing babies".
Much like how if you aren't going to actively help the person live/have a better life/see things worth living for...shut the fuck up about "suicide prevention".
So piss off with your reposts of Suicide Hotlines and holy-religious scripture. If you know someone who is depressed, suffering in any way or simply suicidal and want to off themselves? Instead of calling them weak, trying to tell them "things will get better", telling them they have it "better" than others, or making them feel worse in any way because of their desire to bother no one just KILL their one miserable life—if you care enough, you'll do something about it.
As in doing things with them, helping them in whatever need they may have to make their lives just a bit more bearable. Because all those things I mentioned before? Simply ignoring them? Hoping it'll go away? HA! They'll be dead before you know it!
Suicide prevention is a joke, otherwise.
Much like how pro-lifers and those who wave the "killing baby" banners probably wouldn't adopt the many children who are born from unwanted pregnancies.
Fucking asinine.
From personal experience, I can tell you—you would literally be saving my life if that was all you did. For me. From the heart.
Seems like decent human interaction on such sensitive topics is such a tall order to ask for.
Seems like decent human interaction on such sensitive topics is such a tall order to ask for.
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