Ah, the ol' vegan debate. My. It's gotten worse and worse, nowadays. And it makes absolutely zero bloody sense.
Ol' Maggot here is a pescatarian. Yes, that means I eat fish, not meat. But, guess what? I'm almost positive I'd be eating meat at least every now and then, if it wasn't for the fact that I seemingly can't digest it very well. Yep, that is why I stopped eating meat. Now, this was a while ago, several years, so I have no idea what my body might be able to deal with, now. But I don't care to find out, either.
Also, yes. I am well aware that by technicality, "meat" includes fish meat, but culinary-wise, they are two different things, seafood and meat. Juuust putting that out there.
I love vegan food. I am certain I could oh, so easily make the switch to going vegan because of this. Why haven't I, then you ask?
Wonderful question, and it has a simple answer.
I love fish too much.
LE GASPETH! I choose taste over the life of another creature?!
Damn fricking STRAIGHT, I do.
Y'see, I find meat consumption of any kind to be just as natural for humans as it is for humans to eat plant-based foods. I believe animals kept for slaughter should be treated with utmost respect, because, after all, they will be going into our stomachs, our systems. We should take care of them if we want to take care of ourselves.
Now, I've found that this doesn't make any sense to—can I say most vegans? Which confuses me. I don't know if you noticed, but humans have canines and molars. We can eat flesh, biologically. So long as we aren't 1) going overkill on the animals on both land and sea (a.k.a. overfishing, causing animals to go extinct, etc.), 2) treating the animals harshly, in any way, shape or form, or 3) injecting them with hormones and shit that goes along with #2 as well as, in the end, harms us...I don't see a damn thing wrong with eating seafood or meat.
While on this note, I also think it's okay for humans to hunt animals—so long as it's for the sole purpose of eating the animal afterwards. No hunting for the literal "game" of it all, you bastards. Trophy kills and all that shit.
Why raging vegans are so keen on making people who aren't vegan feel so horrible about something so natural escapes me. Most of you are making yourselves look like self-important assholes to the rest of the world, and that's...really...a shame. Because being a vegan is awesome. I salute you, good human.
But can everyone in the fucking world please come to an agreement on what the real problem is, here? The problem with the food industry when it comes to animals is how they are kept, fed, used, and how all that shit just does a 360-degree turn when it enters our bodies and fucks us up. Not the fact that animals are being eaten.
Animals eat animals. We are just another sort of animal. Don't you dare go into the whole "but we have a conscious/sentience" nonsense for this. We are omnivores; we can eat meat and plants—by nature! We are animals. If you have a problem with that, please, consult your local psychiatrist.
I hear they also have an app for that.

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